
We feel responsible for the places you love to travel to, for the future of all beauty this planet gives us and our future generations. That’s why The Booker Company, which is the parent company of AzureBooker, joined forces with Join The Pipe or as we say: We joined the pipe!

Join the Pipe is a social network of tap-water drinkers, their dream is to build the longest water pipeline in the world! In reality they strive to provide clean tap-water for all and especially for those in desperate need of it.

Join the pipe feels responsible for cleaning up plastic waste. Think of the millions of water bottles that are sold worldwide everyday which some of us throw away in the garbage bin but many of them finally find their way into our rivers and oceans. AzureBooker and Join the Pipe believe it makes no sense to keep on cleaning up if the plastic waste production will not be reduced.

As said, rivers and oceans are filled with 'islands' of plastic waste, however a majority of people seems to have a certain ability to ignore a problem like this as long as we do not see it in real-life.

For this reason, we believe that now is the time contribute to a cleaner planet. How? producing stylish, reusable drinking bottles. Think of all the plastic water bottles that you throw away each year. These throw-away plastics are everywhere like, taken from the spa in your hotel, set ready for you in your hotelroom, given away at the beach and it goes on and on.

Our bottles are built to last long and are specially designed so you can easily take them anywhere. They are water tight, easy to hold and carry.

Each booking comes with a bottle for every person that is included in your booking! By booking a hotel at AzureBooker you actually contribute to a cleaner planet and on top of this all our hotels support a cleaner environment, some even carry the highest possible ECO certifications.

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